Thursday, September 27, 2012

You Are Beautiful!

Ok so I've been seeing a lot of this on like twitter and on tumblr and on instagram "I'm such a potato" "I'm so ugly I'm sorry if I break your computer screens" and much more so this needed to be said and done.

I am so tired of girls saying "I'm so ugly" "I'm such a potato" "No guy asks me out because I'm so ugly". It makes me so sick to read this! Honestly, I DO NOT understand what the hell {underline 500 times} they are talking about! YOU ARE SO BEAUTIFUL! Like seriously, why are you so hard on yourself?! I mean c'mon! STOP BEING SO HARD ON YOURSELF! KNOCK IT OFF! YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!

Now, the girls in magazines are people YOU SHOULD NOT BE JEALOUS OF! And celebrities, YOU SHOULD NOT BE JEALOUS OF THEM! They have to try and be perfect ALL THE TIME! And if they aren't people pick and pick at them and call them horrible things! The models in magazines get airbrushed ALL THE TIME! Do you think they are happy? Do you think they like to be skinny as a twig and can see their bones? NO! They wish they could eat whatever they want! Now, now a days they aren't twigs and they eat more but still. I WOULD NEVER WANT TO BE ONE OF THEM! I could never handle the pressure of trying to be perfect all the time. It would make me sick of myself! Like seriously, DO NOT BE JEALOUS OF THEM BECAUSE THEY ARE PROBABLY JEALOUS OF YOU!

People that call themselves potatoes, YAY FOR BEING A POTATO! A potato is an AWESOME vegetable! They have such an amazing curve to them! I don't know about you but potatoes are my favorite vegetable! POTATOES ARE AWESOME! And if you call yourself a potato, YOU ARE AWESOME AND YOU SHOULD EMBRACE IT! EMBRACE YOUR AWESOMENESS!

Let me tell you something, guys DO NOT like twigs! They like girls with some meat on their bones!

I have asked some of my guy friends of they like very skinny girls or girls with curves and this is what they said:

"I like curves because it shows off their womanly bodies and that's sexy."

"Curves! Defiantly! I don't like girls that are very skinny, I don't like to see bone."

"Curves absolutely! I like to be able to hug a girl as tight as I can and not be worried in going to break them in half."

You see!! They don't like extremely skinny girls! They love girls with curves! Be proud of your curves! EMBRACE YOUR AMAZING CURVES! Be happy with your body! Don't hide it because you feel like your not skinny enough! I HATE HEARING FROM GIRLS "I'm not skinny enough for them." Well honey, if a guy says that to you, HE IS GOING TO GROW UP TO BE BALD, JOBLESS, AND STILL LIVING WITH HIS MOTHER! So DO NOT EVER let anyone tell you that you are not skinny enough! Because IT IS A LIE MY FRIEND! You DO NOT I repeat DO NOT need to be skinny to be beautiful! CURVES ARE BEAUTIFUL AS EVER!

When I think of someone that is beautiful, I think of someone with a great personality who is confident with themselves and who doesn't let anything stand in the way of living their lives. To me, that is a beautiful person! Not the way they look, not the way they dress, not how much make up they wear. IF YOU ARE CONFIDENT WITH YOURSELF AND YOU ARE NOT AFRAID TO BE YOU, YOU ARE A BEAUTIFUL PERSON!

Listen to me, everyone in the world is beautiful! To me, I don't look at someone and point out their flaws because their flaws are what makes them unique and special which is a beautiful thing! I point out the beauty in people! And your flaws, are not called flaws unless you keep calling them that. Flaws are amazing things! They show you how different you are from everyone else. It shows how you are yourself and are not a copy of someone else! It shows that you are not perfect and that you don't care! NO ONE IN THE WORLD IS PERFECT! Models? NOT PERFECT! Celebrities? NOT PERFECT! NOBODY IS PERFECT! And if you say you are perfect, YOU NEED TO CHECK YOURSELF MY FRIEND! We make mistakes! EVERYONE MAKES MISTAKES! Don't let that stop you from doing or believing anything! Pick yourself back up and learn from the mistakes so they never happen again!

YOU ARE NOT UGLY! I don't even know why that word exists! The word ugly should be EXTINCT! I don't know why people call themselves ugly! It doesn't make any sense to me at all! I don't understand why people lie to themselves everyday by calling themselves ugly. STOP LYING TO YOURSELF AND START TELLING YOURSELF THE TRUTH! Start telling yourself the truth, start telling yourself that you are beautiful because hat is THE TRUTH!

Oh and STOP CALLING PEOPLE UGLY! That is so not cool! CHECK YOURSELF! Seriously, you need to! Like c'mon! You don't understand how much your words could hurt someone! You are putting people down and then hey start to believe the lies you have stuck in their heads! ENOUGH WITH YOUR LIES! GO WASH YOUR MOUTH OUT WITH SOAP!

And when you feel like you are not good enough for that guy you really really really like, think to yourself, of they don't like you for you, they are not the one for you. Don't change yourself to impress someone who won't except you for you, because if they can't love you for you, you shouldn't waste your time on them.

Now remember, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL! Be a BEAUTIFUL CURVY POTATO! I'd rather be a potato than a toothpick. EMBRACE YOUR FLAWS! Love them! Love yourself and others will too.

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