Monday, September 10, 2012

Judging People

This is very important to talk about. I am very passionate about this topic since I've been judged my whole life and I think its time for me to say something. And I have a lot to say about this topic {you have been warned}.

First off, WE HAVE ALL {underline 500 times} JUDGED PEOPLE! And don't lie, you know you have! And if you say "I don't judge people" or "I have never judged someone", YOU ARE LYING MY FRIEND! Even if you didn't/don't realize that your doing it. Don't kick yourself for doing it because everyone in the world has done it. I have, I'm not proud of it, but I have.

Now I'm not saying judging is okay since everyone has done it because it's NOT! It's not right to judge someone. And I know everyone says that and let me tell you, it's hard not to judge someone because you sometimes don't realized you did it and then you realize what you just did and it hits you straight in the face like a bug on a windshield. {If you understood any of that sorry if that sentence was a bit confusing} And you think to yourself "why did I just do that? I shouldn't have done that" if you are thinking that, than you know you shouldn't have done that and you try and correct yourself and tell that person your sorry for judging them.

Here are some things people are judged on:
1. How you look
2. What clothes you wear
3. How much money you have or don't have
4. How you talk
5. How smart you are in school
6. Your laugh
7. What you read
8. How tall or short you are
9. The color of your hair
10. How many boyfriends/girlfriends you've had
11. How you act around people

That is just some things people are judged on. There are much more but I don't want to list them all.

The most common thing you are judged on is how you dress. If you don't have the latest trends or you don't wear different things every week, people just judge you. I hate to see people being judged about this, about ANYTHING!
{You know when your in the halls and you see this little group of people whispering and looking at you and when you look, they look away, yeah, they are being jerks and judging you! Now don't get paranoid. No need for that.} 
I was judged on what I wear. {If you didn't read my post about My View On Models, you won't know that I was bullied for wearing the same sweatshirt everyday.} Like yes I did wear the same sweatshirt everyday, there's this thing called a WASHING MACHINE that you know WASHES YOUR CLOTHES! I don't know if you heard of it! {not directed at you, it's what I was thinking when they were bullying me but I was too afraid to say anything}
If you are getting judged on what you wear, let me give you these words of wisdom, WHO CARES WHAT THEY THINK! They are judging you because YOU ARE STANDING OUT BY BEING YOU! And you know what, BEING YOU AND STANDING OUT IS THE BEST THING YOU CAN DO! Be original! Don't blend in! That's boring! Stand out! Show them you don't care what they think because you are happy! DO NOT LET THEM PUT YOU DOWN AND MAKE YOU FEEL INSECURE ABOUT NOTHING! If you are happy with your clothes, with YOUR OWN STYLE, then don't allow them to get to you! They are jealous that you can be yourself and be confident and not give in to peer pressure!

I hate hate hate hate hate!!!!!! how people judge people on how they look. Like "omg that girl is so ugly" or "omg look at her hair it looks like she hasn't washed it in a year" or "omg look how fat she looks in that outfit, ugh it's so gross!" First of all, WHO GIVES A RATS ASS WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK OF YOU! It's what YOU THINK OF YOU that's important! First off, EVERY ONE OF YOU IS BEAUTIFUL! I don't give a **** what you say, YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL AND DON'T LET ANYONE TELL YOU OTHERWISE! Do not let anyone tell you you are not beautiful because THEY ARE LYING TO YOU!

Ok now, here's the thing, when you judge someone, they start to feel like they don't belong, like they are an outsider. Which is horrible! No one likes to be judged, so here's a question everyone thinks about "Why do people judge others?" and here's the answer: ITS BECAUSE YOU CAN'T HELP YOURSELF BUT JUDGE SOMEONE THAT IS DIFFERENT! If you don't even know the person, you judge them. Like WTF is that?! You don't know them, you don't know what goes on in their house, in their life. You don't know their story! So before you judge someone, GET TO KNOW THEM! And if you don't want to get to know them, then DON'T JUDGE THEM and walk away. Keep your mouth SHUT and walk away.

Seriously, when I walk into a store or a restaurant or ANYWHERE! I get stared at and I just like ask the person I'm with if there is something in my teeth or if there is something written on my forehead saying "LOOK AT ME LOOK AT ME" because it's creepy and it makes me feel insecure. See, this is a problem I have, but I am overcoming this problem and I am not as insecure as I use to be. And I want to be able to help people that have this problem because I want people to know, they are not alone and there are people who care.

So bottom line, don't judge people you don't know; if you don't know their story don't bleepin judge them! It's easy all you have to do is keep your mouth shut, think what you want, but know if you say something, you might be adding to this persons insecurities and think to yourself, what if that was me? Think about it.

Now I have a challenge for you:
I want you to go through a day without judging people. Compliment someone. Think to yourself: Wow that person is so confident with themselves, wow. And be happy that they are confident in themselves to be themselves! And if you can do it for one day, you can do it everyday. Nothing is impossible! Be a better you and try and make people feel as confident as you can be too.

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