Friday, November 30, 2012

He Got Through It, So Can You

This post is about my friend Tyler and his story of being bullied. I found Ty on twitter and realized we share a similar story. Our stories similar but still different. Reading his story and getting to know Ty alittle better helped me realize we both are doing the same thing and trying to end Bullying. Here's his story.

Hello everyone. My name is Tyler. I'm a 16 year old kid going through the same cycle that most teens go through. School, sports, and playing guitar/singing takes up most my time. But that's not what I'm here to talk about. I'm here to talk about how I am where I am today to give you hope. It all started about 2 years ago. I went to school, had friends, but a lot of people didn't like me. Specifically how I dressed. I was a prep. I did my hair, wore button ups and a tight pair of jeans. I was called gay, and a faggot and everything but the thing is.. Is I liked girls! Always have. I just dressed to impress;). It seems like no matter what I did or what I wore I would have people attack me. As time moved on I started dating some girls. And I don't know about you but when I enter a relationship I pour everything I am into and always try my hardest to keep her happy. I went through some pretty rough break ups and began to be depressed. I wasn't good enough. I would tell myself every day. Why am I even here!? I stopped doing activities I loved and I walked away From my friends. No matter what I did I couldn't get over the break ups because I cared so much. So girls are a huge part of me and always will be. Time moved on and in Freshman and sophomore year I began to really become religious. My beliefs in God push me through every day to be the best person I can be. I started posting my beliefs on Facebook and got verbally attacked pretty bad. Kids would friend me just to write how horrible of a person I was for being a Christian. I was told to kill myself and pretty much just pushed to the very edge. Before anything got really bad. I went to seek help. I told one of my teachers I could trust most who then told counselors who then worked with me to become the kid I used to be. It took a ton of effort and a lot of pain but I got through it. Yes I'm sad once in awhile but I'm mostly happy. I created this account on August 18th, 2012 to help anyone struggling with any problem. I know how hard it can be but with the right support you can make it through. I'm here for you. Ill help you every step of the way become who you want to be. Embrace your individuality. I don't care if you're black, white, hispanic, gay, lesbian, tall, short, fat, thin, loud, annoying, or don't have many friends. I'm here for you. You deserve a life like the rest. #StayStrong and we can #StopBullying

His story is inspiring! And I have seen his story help so many others! Yes, one person can start a movement! He has made his twitter to help others and I have made this blog to do the same! We are never alone and I would never want anyone to think they were ever alone and I don't think Tyler would want that either! Being able to work with Tyler is incredible! He's the sweetest person ever! I love working with him on this post! Having someone with a similar story as me is amazing! They understand you so much and know where you are coming from. I think that's why Tyler and I get along haha. When I read his story I felt connected in a someway. I felt as if I needed to talk to him and I did. Just knowing that we are both trying to do the same thing is amazing! There are so many Tyler Warriors out there writing Tyler Warriors on their wrists and it's amazing. Seeing how many Warriors there are out there is incredible! I love seeing the Tyler Warriors being one big family and helping each other out! It's a beautiful thing and I hope I see more of it!

As y'all know I've been talking to Tyler and I asked him acouple questions:

1. Sam: What is the inspiration behind your account?
Ty: I want to help as many people as I can through the grace and love of God.

2. Sam: Thats beautiful! What is the feeling you get when you have helped someone stop cutting or stopped them from talking their life?
Ty: I feel like I'm actually giving people hope even through its just on a computer screen. I feel a sense of pride for sure.

3. Sam: I can see your making a difference. How does it feel knowing the Tyler Warriors all have each others backs?
Ty: Awesome! I give mad props to the person that came up with the name and we have about 300 people with that written on their wrists! And 7 twitter accounts called #TylersWarriors supported by them.

4. Sam: Wow that's incredible! I am a Tyler Warrior myself yeah know haha. If you could change the past and take away the bullying you went through, would you?
Ty: Actually, I wouldn't . It taught me many life lessons and if I wasn't ever bullied I wouldn't have made this account. It shows how much God can have an impact on our lives.

5. Sam: That's what I always thought after I was bullied. What are you thankful for through this journey you have taken?
Ty: I'm thankful for all the positivity it has created and the kind feedback I get daily!

6. Sam: Thats so sweet!!! Would you like to work with me again in the near future?
Ty: Yes! Forsure! You are amazing :)

Well Awwwww thank you so much! Your amazing as well Tyler. Looking forward to working with you again in the near future! :)

"I want to help as many people as I can through the grace and love of God" - Tyler.

I was bullied for what I wore as well as you all have read in past posts. But we were both able to get through it! Know that you are not alone and that there are people out there who share similar stories like Tyler and myself. Both of us want to stop bullying. We both want to help others get through what we have gone through. I am glad I have become friends with Tyler. And hopefully we can do another post together in the near future. So please, know that you do matter! People do love and care about you! You were put on this earth and given this life for a reason. You deserve to live this life! If you need someone to talk to, you can talk to me or Tyler or both. I'll put his twitter in the Contact Me page. #StayStrong #StopBullying #HelpEndBullying #TylersWarriors and my #TheFighters stay strong :)

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Be Yourself!

This is pretty much connected to my bullying post and the you are beautiful post but it's different in its own way. Hope you enjoy.

You know what I really hate? When I see people walking the halls being someone they are not. I hate that! It really annoys me and gets on my nerves that people need to pretend to be something they are not just because they want to "fit in". Makes me sick to my stomach to see that! What is wrong with the real you that you have to change yourself to please others? I'll tell you wants wrong... NOTHINGGGGGGGG! There is NOTHING wrong with the real you! The only thing wrong is that you are trying to be something your not! Ugh horrible! Makes me sick! Bleh!!

Why are you changing yourself to please others? Like no! Just stop no! Be yourself! Gosh! Like seriously no one should tell you to change or make you change into someone you are not! They are most likely trying to make you into a mini them! Ew! No one likes clones! Bleh! {Twins do not count as clones because they have different personalities and may look alike but they are actually different just saying}. Like seriously why would you want another you? {don't link this anyway to twins!} Wouldn't that get annoying?! I think it would be so annoying to have another EXACT me! Gosh I would punch my clone in the face because I would be so annoyed with myself! Like why would you want to be someone else? How is that not uncomfortable! Dressing in a way that's not you, c'mon you have to be uncomfortable! Like c'mon you can't be happy being someone else!

When I was bullied in seventh grade I did change myself so they would stop bullying me. I became someone I was not and I totally {wow haven't said totally since I was telling my mom what someone said on Saved By The Bell that was funny} lost who the real me was. When I moved before my freshmen year of high school, I stopped pretending to be someone I'm not. I had to try and find the real me because I literally didn't know who I was anymore. It took so long to find myself, the true me again. I'm still trying to find the missing pieces. I look back on those years and ask myself "What the **** was I doing and thinking?!" I don't know who that person was, thats my face, that's my voice but that personality and look is not me. I am so upset that I let bullies lead to me changing myself. I seriously am glad that that's the past and now I am being myself. I honestly lost so many friends by trying to be someone I'm not. It was horrible! I still can't believe I did that. I realize now that I should not let people get to me. I am glad I am my own unique self {well that's what my mom says I am lol jk} I honestly missed my real self! I was not happy being someone I'm not! I was bottling everything up and it changed me! And I hated it! That's why I needed to be myself again!

I don't think you should change for anyone but yourself! If you feel like you need a change in your life and get out of the rut your in. Then go get a haircut, go to a spa, go buy yourself some new clothes that you've been wanting for awhile (Don't break the bank though). Just don't change who you are don't change your whole look into something dramatic and not you. You don't need to do that! Your beautiful and wonderful already why do you need to change? I'm confused on why you are changing. It does not make sense to me. Being yourself is the best thing ever! You feel proud of yourself and happy that you are not doing what everyone else is doing or being. If fluffy boots are in style right now, wear them when they are not in style {Fluffy boots will never be out of style they are too amazing to go out of style}. Be yourself! Show people you are not afraid to be yourself! Show them you are proud to be yourself! It's the best thing ever trust me!

Now I'm very lazy and all but trying to be someone else has to be A LOT OF WORK! Actually it is! {No wonder I was tired everyday when I was trying to be someone else}. Why would you want to waste all your energy trying to change yourself when you can easily be yourself and still have time to catch the new glee episode or greys anatomy episode or whatever your favorite show is. Don't waste your energy and money on trying to be someone else when it's just making you unhappy. It makes no sense honestly.

If you are getting bullied because you are being yourself, then that bully is jealous that you are proud to be yourself and they are not! I bet that bully is a whole different person at home! Bullies put on an act! Don't let the bullies pull you off the stage with a hook! Steal the show! Do what makes you happy! Let the bullies fall on their behinds while you get a standing ovation! {ya see what I did there, keeping the whole theater theme going there. No? Oh ok}. Trust me the bullies will get what they deserve! Just don't let them get to you and change you! Don't let what happened to me (for example) happen to you. It's not worth it! Be yourself and you will be happier and get farther in life then pretending to be something your not. It's not worth it.

You don't understand how beautiful, talented, wonderful, and smart your true self is! Your true self is so much better than the clone your trying to be. There is a reason we are all different! We were NOT put on this earth to be a clone! Save it for the movies! No one likes a copycat! Bleh! You, the real you, is the person I would want to be friends with. Not someone who is trying to "fit in". The real you is an incredible person!

Don't pretend to someone else because when you are dating someone, they want to get to know the real you. Maybe who you are pretending to be is someone's perfect match but it's not YOUR perfect match! Let that person get to know the REAL you! Oh oh don't EVER change for a guy ladies and don't EVER change for a girl gentlemen! If they are trying to change you, it's obvious they don't like the real you. And if they don't like the real you, their loss because they real you is wonderful! And they are too stuck up to see that! You are someone's other half, it's easier to find them when your yourself. So BE YOURSELF!

Bottom line is no one likes a clone or copycat! Your just hurting yourself when you change yourself! There is no one you should be but yourself! Trust me just be yourself it's better then a annoying clone of someone else. You are beautiful just the way you are! Listen to Bruno Mars when he sings that! And don't forget: BE YOURSELF, EVERYONE ELSE IS TAKEN! ;)

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Oh rumors how life would be much better if you didn't exist. Oh rumors how I hate you!

I hate rumors so much! They are stupid, immature, and just down right rude! Like do you get enjoyment out of destroying someone's life? What is wrong with you! Stop starting drama! NO ONE WANTS DRAMA! Gosh! Like spreading rumors is like playing the telephone game {You know that game that you played in like elementary school where you whisper a sentence in someones ear and they pass it around the circle and the sentence changed when it got back to the first person}. You start with something that is probably true and someone overhears a part of it then tells someone it and adds their own part to it making it completely not true. Like NO! We are not in elementary school playing the telephone game! If you like the game so much, GO BACK TO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL!

Ok now why do people like to gossip? Like seriously it's none of your business! If it doesn't involve you, STAY OUT OF IT! If it does NOT concern you if Sally's boyfriend cheated on her with her sister. (just an example.) IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! Who do you think you are talking about something that DOES NOT CONCERN YOU! Seriously! Just mind your own business! It's not that hard! If it's a challenge for you, I can tell you where you can buy some nice earplugs.

Do you not know how much it hurts when someone's personal information is spread around school? If it was you I bet you wouldn't be laughing now would you! If you wouldn't want it to happen to you, don't make it happen to others! I mean really, why would you do something like that? What makes you think that is ok? Like really!

Rumors have been around for a long time. Probably since time began! Rumors, people making others believe things that are not true just to ruin someone else for personal gain! Rumors, people knocking others down so they can climb above them! Rumors, ruining someone's life just to have a laugh! THOSE DAMN RUMORS! You can't destroy them. They will always be around! You can only stop them from starting! If you don't want rumors to be spread and you need to talk about something personal to your friend, DO NOT DO IT IN THE HALLWAYS OR THE BATHROOMS! Do it in your own home! And if something gets spread about you that is not true, IGNORE IT! You know it's not true! WHO CARES WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK ABOUT YOU! That's their problem! Don't let it bother you!!!!! Don't let it get to you!!!! If you let it get to you, people will actually think its real! And if someone comes up to you and asks if you really did such and such, be like "I don't know what your talking about. That's so not true. That's not me." say it calmly. Don't be yelling, yelling makes it worse. Just know that whatever is spread about you, know that you know it's not true and its not going to get to you. Know that!

I hear rumors all the time about other people and I hate it! If its my friend I'm like "where did you hear that? Why are you telling me?" it gets me disgusted! I'll go to my friend and be like "so and so came up to me and told me this. I know it's not true I just want you to know that." They tell me it's not true and I just tell them to tell me if they have a problem. I don't let people mess with people close to me! I AM NOT letting the people close to me go through what I went through! I am not afraid to stand up for myself ANYMORE! And I am not afraid to stand up for my friends either!

Do not let rumors overcome you! Don't let rumors stand in your way! Climb above the rumors and just live your life the way YOU want to live it! Don't let something stupid like rumors get in the way of your happiness and living your life! Don't let it control you like a puppet on strings! Break the strings and control your own life! It is no ones business what is going on in your life! And if you say that to someone, they are going to think your being (excuse my language) bitchie which your not. Your telling the truth which people mistake as being bitchie (excuse my language again). It really is no ones business so don't think your being mean by saying that. It's mean if you say it in a mean way, if you say it in a nice way then it won't come off mean or bitchie (again excuse my language).

Let me tell you something. You know celebrities go through this too! They are human too! They go through this too! I've seen rumors be spread about celebs and how rumors effect their lives and loved ones. And it's harder for them to set things straight. And I'm just reading all this on like twitter and tumblr etc. and I'm sitting there like "how do they know it's true? Where is the interview of them saying this? Where's the proof of them saying that?" I won't think it's true until I hear that person say it themselves! And you should too! {I'm not telling you what to do, I'm just putting that out there.} You shouldn't believe anything someone says about someone else until you hear it from the person it's about. It's as simple as that! And I feel bad for celebs because nothing is private for them and there's rumors 24/7 about them that they can't control. It's horrible! I would never want to be in their shoes!

Bottom line of my rambling important post. Don't let rumors destroy you and consume your whole life! Climb over them, don't believe them, DONT SPREAD THEM! Just live your life! Don't let anything stop you from be happy and living your life! :)