Thursday, November 15, 2012


Oh rumors how life would be much better if you didn't exist. Oh rumors how I hate you!

I hate rumors so much! They are stupid, immature, and just down right rude! Like do you get enjoyment out of destroying someone's life? What is wrong with you! Stop starting drama! NO ONE WANTS DRAMA! Gosh! Like spreading rumors is like playing the telephone game {You know that game that you played in like elementary school where you whisper a sentence in someones ear and they pass it around the circle and the sentence changed when it got back to the first person}. You start with something that is probably true and someone overhears a part of it then tells someone it and adds their own part to it making it completely not true. Like NO! We are not in elementary school playing the telephone game! If you like the game so much, GO BACK TO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL!

Ok now why do people like to gossip? Like seriously it's none of your business! If it doesn't involve you, STAY OUT OF IT! If it does NOT concern you if Sally's boyfriend cheated on her with her sister. (just an example.) IT IS NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! Who do you think you are talking about something that DOES NOT CONCERN YOU! Seriously! Just mind your own business! It's not that hard! If it's a challenge for you, I can tell you where you can buy some nice earplugs.

Do you not know how much it hurts when someone's personal information is spread around school? If it was you I bet you wouldn't be laughing now would you! If you wouldn't want it to happen to you, don't make it happen to others! I mean really, why would you do something like that? What makes you think that is ok? Like really!

Rumors have been around for a long time. Probably since time began! Rumors, people making others believe things that are not true just to ruin someone else for personal gain! Rumors, people knocking others down so they can climb above them! Rumors, ruining someone's life just to have a laugh! THOSE DAMN RUMORS! You can't destroy them. They will always be around! You can only stop them from starting! If you don't want rumors to be spread and you need to talk about something personal to your friend, DO NOT DO IT IN THE HALLWAYS OR THE BATHROOMS! Do it in your own home! And if something gets spread about you that is not true, IGNORE IT! You know it's not true! WHO CARES WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK ABOUT YOU! That's their problem! Don't let it bother you!!!!! Don't let it get to you!!!! If you let it get to you, people will actually think its real! And if someone comes up to you and asks if you really did such and such, be like "I don't know what your talking about. That's so not true. That's not me." say it calmly. Don't be yelling, yelling makes it worse. Just know that whatever is spread about you, know that you know it's not true and its not going to get to you. Know that!

I hear rumors all the time about other people and I hate it! If its my friend I'm like "where did you hear that? Why are you telling me?" it gets me disgusted! I'll go to my friend and be like "so and so came up to me and told me this. I know it's not true I just want you to know that." They tell me it's not true and I just tell them to tell me if they have a problem. I don't let people mess with people close to me! I AM NOT letting the people close to me go through what I went through! I am not afraid to stand up for myself ANYMORE! And I am not afraid to stand up for my friends either!

Do not let rumors overcome you! Don't let rumors stand in your way! Climb above the rumors and just live your life the way YOU want to live it! Don't let something stupid like rumors get in the way of your happiness and living your life! Don't let it control you like a puppet on strings! Break the strings and control your own life! It is no ones business what is going on in your life! And if you say that to someone, they are going to think your being (excuse my language) bitchie which your not. Your telling the truth which people mistake as being bitchie (excuse my language again). It really is no ones business so don't think your being mean by saying that. It's mean if you say it in a mean way, if you say it in a nice way then it won't come off mean or bitchie (again excuse my language).

Let me tell you something. You know celebrities go through this too! They are human too! They go through this too! I've seen rumors be spread about celebs and how rumors effect their lives and loved ones. And it's harder for them to set things straight. And I'm just reading all this on like twitter and tumblr etc. and I'm sitting there like "how do they know it's true? Where is the interview of them saying this? Where's the proof of them saying that?" I won't think it's true until I hear that person say it themselves! And you should too! {I'm not telling you what to do, I'm just putting that out there.} You shouldn't believe anything someone says about someone else until you hear it from the person it's about. It's as simple as that! And I feel bad for celebs because nothing is private for them and there's rumors 24/7 about them that they can't control. It's horrible! I would never want to be in their shoes!

Bottom line of my rambling important post. Don't let rumors destroy you and consume your whole life! Climb over them, don't believe them, DONT SPREAD THEM! Just live your life! Don't let anything stop you from be happy and living your life! :)

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