Monday, September 24, 2012

Stop Bullying

This is a subject that hits me deep down and it means more than anything and it needs to be stopped. I am a victim of being bullied and I am finally standing up and saying what is on my mind.

Bullying as been going on for a extremely long time and is still happening now. It should have been stopped a long time ago but it wasn't. Many people all around the world have been bullied. It needs to stop! It hurts people so much! Just one little comment about someone is wrong!

People have taken their lives over bullies! Because of bullies many people have had to suffer and couldn't take it anymore and took their own lives to escape from it! Imagine how he families feel! The families have to go through the pain and suffering of losing their child! Having to deal with losing a loved one over bullying is heartbreaking! Some people actually go into depression over it! I don't know how someone could live with themselves knowing that they are one of the reasons someone took their lives! Knowing that the family is suffering and in pain over your STUPID untrue words and your horrible actions that took their loved ones away! How can you live with yourself knowing that?!

When someone is bullied, you don't know what they are going to do! People cut themselves because of the cruel words and actions bullies do! You don't know how much your words can hurt someone! You DO NOT know their story! You DO NOT know what goes on in their house! If you make a comment about how poorly dressed someone is at school all the time, it hurts them! What if that person doesn't have the money to buy new clothes! What if that person does not have a lot of nice things at home because they can't afford it. YOU DO NOT KNOW THEIR STORY! If you are comment on how much or how little someone eats, IT HURTS THEM! What if they having a eating disorder! What if they don't eat a lot is because they gave up their foot for their younger sibling because they can't afford to be fed everyday! YOU DO NOT KNOW THEIR STORY! Even if you do know their story DO NOT bully them about it!

You are a bully if:

1. You make fun of someone because of what they wear
2. You make fun of people because they don't eat or eat a lot
3. You make fun of how someone looks
4. You make fun of how someone talks
5. You intentionally humiliate someone for trying to be themselves
6. You make fun of someone because they stand out
7. You taunt someone for standing up for themselves
8. You make fun of how much they weigh
9. You call someone ugly all the time (or at all)
10. You physically hurt them for no reason or for a stupid untrue reason
11. You make fun of someone for having an incredible talent
12. You make fun of someone because they get better grades than you
13. You spread untrue rumors about someone
14. You push someone around
15. You try and crush their dreams
16. You call them horrible names
17. You make fun of someone for being gay.

This is just some of the things bullies do. There is so much more but it's too much to list.

Look at some celebrities that were bullied as a child or teenager. Look where they are now! They DID NOT let those bullies run their lives!

For example Demi Lovato. SHE DID NOT LET THEM RUN HER LIFE! She is living her dream because these bullies who think they were so tough are watching Demi Lovato live her dream and live a happy successful life because they gave her the strength to go on with her life! These bullies must feel extremely stupid now! Demi Lovato went through a eating disorder and cut herself because of all the bullying! She did what she had to do to help herself and go to rehab. She went to get some help. She overcome all the bullying and all by GETTING HELP!

Let me tell you something, asking for help or going to get help DOES NOT show weakness! It shows that you are strong enough and care about your well being so much that you want help! It is NOT bad to ask for help! You can't go through life trying to do everything yourself! Especially something as serious as this! If you feel like you are a danger to yourself GO AND GET HELP! Do it for yourself! Do it do you can live a happier and healthier life!

Another example Taylor Swift. She was bullied in high school because the popular kids didn't think she was pretty enough or cool enough to hang out with. And she lived country music and people would make fun of her for loving country music. SHE DID NOT LET THEM CONTROL HER LIFE! Look where she is now! She uses her music to express her feelings and tell her story! She used all this bullying to fuel her! It build her up and made her strong, it made her pretty much Fearless. And she let go of the past!

Now this example is not a celebrity YET! Jillian Jensen. Does the name ring a bell? Auditioned for the X Factor this season. Told her story on how she was bullied. How they would make fun of her music and play it back to her. Make fun of the incredible talent she has! She did not let them control her! She got up on that stage and proved to the bullies that they did not break her! She showed them wrong! She showed everyone she is strong and confident and DOES NOT CARE about what people said about her anymore! Her dream was becoming a reality on that day! She inspired me! She showed me that I shouldn't let them get to me and to STAY STRONG! She is an inspiration to now hundreds or thousands of people! Including me.

I have recently talked to a girl named Jennifer on twitter. She told me her story. And I would like to share it with you: "everything started in elementary school I had been called ugly, fat, giraffe, monster, voledamort, all these names. Now that I am in High School, I got a little bit fatter and obviously everyone noticed it in my class everyone start calling me fat. And at the beginning I was like whatever you know? But with time everything got worst, I can't anymore with this... everything I say is like uh shut up! or that makes no sense. Everything! I am causing vomiting to myself because I really want to be skinny and pretty again. Its hard but yeah." Jennifer is 17 years old. And she is still getting bullied. She is so beautiful! I don't know why people are doing this to her! There is no reason for her or anyone to be bullied!

Here's my story: I had a friend who would bully me, put me down, call me stupid and not pretty and make me feel insecure about everything! After awhile I started to believe it and I didn't know who I was anymore. Now this is all in 7th grade. And my best friend was being bullied by her too! In my math class, I was very insecure about my weight because people made me insecure because I was very skinny and boney and they thought I never ate and thought I had an eating disorder. Which I don't. I just have a fast metabolism. So I would wear this jacket all the time. And hey started making fun of me for that too! They keep saying to me "why do you always wear that jacket? Don't you ever clean it! What are you trying to hide?" I literally went home everyday and cried. Seventh grade was the worst year of my life. In eighth grade, I started to stand up for myself and becoming more confident but this so called "friend" kept putting me and my best friend down. After I moved to a different town, I was no longer friends with her and I felt so much better! I felt more confident and less insecure. Where I live now, I was able to find myself again. My true self came out and I felt so much better! And every step I took, I took it with my best friend Francine. She helped me through everything! And I helped her through a lot too. We stayed together and never left each other! We became stronger and more independent and are able to be ourselves! I now am expressing my feelings through writing. The bullies made me stronger. They actually made me stronger than I could ever imagine! A lot of people inspired me and helped me realize that I shouldn't care what people thinking about me! These people are Francine, Demi, Taylor, and now Jillian.

Bullying needs to be stopped! We shouldn't let it happen and go as far as someone taking their own life! If you know someone or are someone who is being bullied, DO NOT KEEP IT TO YOURSELF! Tell someone you trust! You ARE NOT a snitch if you tell someone! If it involves someone's well being or your well being, TELL SOMEONE! If you feel like you are a danger to yourself and feel like hurting yourself, PLEASE ASK FOR HELP! DO NOT GO THROUGH SOMETHING LIKE THIS ALONE! If you feel like you are alone, talk to someone because YOU ARE NOT ALONE! Do NOT take your life or hurt yourself because of someone's STUPID WORDS AND ACTIONS! Don't listen to them! THEY DO MOT CONTROL YOU! You are the one who controls what goes on in your life! DO NOT LET THEM CRUSH YOUR DREAMS! Live your dream! Don't let them tell you it's stupid and you will never amount to anything because THAT IS A LIE MY FRIEND! If you want to be a singer, BE A SINGER! If you want to be a astronaut, BE A ASTRONAUT! Fly to the moon! Do what you love to do! DO NOT LET ANYONE GET IN THE WAY OF IT! Be yourself! Be your BEAUTIFUL SELF! THE ONLY PERSON YOU SHOULD CARE WHAT THEY THINK OF YOU IS YOURSELF!! You should only care about what you think of you!

Together we can end bullying! One step, One person at a time. Together we can make a change! You are not alone! Remember that!

#StayStrong #StopBullying #yosoynocare follow Jillian on twitter @itsJillJensen (credit to Jillian and Demi on the hashtags)

If you have a story to share, please contact me via email. Or if you need to talk to someone contact me. Leave comments and let me know what you think because I want to help end bullying.

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